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:!:Dear Krautspace visitors, :!:

This weekend we are doing some heavy construction work on our website. Possible nuisances include disapproval, rolling one's eyes or even 404 errors. Please notify us in that case.

Welcome to the Krautspace

Hackers, hobbyists and those who aspire to become one: The Krautspace (say it like: crowd space) is your space. Here, you will find room for ideas, discussions and a caffeine(-free) pop afterwards.

That's not the end of it. The Krautspace is part of the club Hackspace Jena e.V. The club are those who work with you on projects, keep things ticking over and assist you with your first steps into the marvelous new world of technology. If you would like to participate at an event or a project, you won't require a membership. Just be part of it.

Drop by and see what's going on. There's a wiki page to help with orientation. Also, there's a number of old, new and planned projects.

Upcoming Events

We have regular events, this is the current schedule for the next few days. A translation of the event names can be found below.

Neuen Termin eintragen?

Regular Events



Physical contact can be made by visiting the Krautspace at Krautgasse 26 in Jena. Otherwise, we're naturally offering a wide range of communication channels.

Idea & Motivation Behind the Krautspace

The Krautspace is managed by Hackspace Jena e.V. and is open for everyone. A hacker space is a place where people meet to work on different topics in the field of technology. The Hackspace Jena e.V. is a non-profit association. In other words, we're not in it for the money, we're in it for the fun.

en/start.1422807969.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/08/01 21:10 (Externe Bearbeitung)