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A Regular Meetup about Drones!

On January 16, 2019 from 18 Uhr we'll have our first meetup about Drones at Hackspace Jena, Krautgasse 26, 07743 Jena. After that (starting in Feb) , we will meet monthly every first Wednesday of the month.

We want to meet to learn about, build and hack drones – a very wide and diverse field. From DJI over research and platform drones to the FPV racing hobby and its tiny super-agile copters, we will learn how to fly, build and use drones for the goals set by the participants.

Over the long term, we will set specifications to ourselves to build, program, hack, and compete with drones. For example, an idea for a competition like this would be to build tethered drones, powered from the ground, to compete for the longest autonomous flight time in a demolition derby. We would learn to build and optimize the mechanical and electrical build for constant flight, and also to have a stable enough flight for the tether to still reach, which can be influenced by sensors (GPS, acceleration, compass) and software tuning of the Flight Controller board firmware.

The community of drone hackers and experts in broad fields that we will become can participate in research, citizen science and hackathons, and we can proactively document and talk about our research to spread our findings about this field.

You are invited to join our community-building educational and very practical drone meetup! Come join in during any meetup event.

There will be seperate flight days on whole days in the weekends. We can find a day that suits best at one of our meets at the Hackerspace.

Contact is Gecko and horn. RSvP it

blog/content/drone-meetup-v1.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2022/02/17 21:13 von qbi